Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Anger and agression, we are asked to look at it as a virtue, as the way to move on. I am fed ip of hearing the ``we want to give something to the uth, something they will like.'' from the mouths of these non-young editors--or maybe they think they are still teenagers among the others, all in touch with what the youth wants. It was ironic that our 50 plus editor tells us all 20 some that we need to be more young and ` hip'.

Thats what that generation is stuck with. The idea that youngsters want easily digestible, light on the head, suger coated pop stuff, or some such. I mean look at the news channels today, you put on one and u are glued, withouta a thought, caught into the blurry of some kindda propaganda....a kind of hypnotic draw that soaps have. Crime tops the chart. It's all about the packaging in the news industry, the content has become secondary and mainstream is after all does it concern a very large poplatio grappling with a whole different set of issues that are left with the NGOs to tackle. They don't concern the mainstream.

News only reflects the face of Urban India..vidarbha has to have a spate of suicides, North East brutal Human rights violations and Nandigram violence for them to find any news space.

Coming back to the point, the world on the whole is becoming a market where you target selectively and for now its the IT, youth, crime ruling the roost.

For the like of us who enter media with some lofty ideas of change or som larger than life thing, are left to realign priorities with the corporate plan to survive the mainstream struggle...or worse write about fashion, food, and like our editor puts it ``pretty young things' on page...therein he says, lies the truth.

A truth created, floated, promoted and assimilated day in and day out in the tabloid and crazy media culture.

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