Sunday, December 9, 2007

Loneliness is two parts truth and one part mulling over that truth. Thats what everyone, at some age, after endless red eyed nights, are bound to arrive at. So here there was this guy, who sounded pretty pleased with his life at a BPO joint--and almost made it sound like something out of Pleasure Island, and something so out of reach of the other India.
What got me thinking, however, was his statement on why casual sex and promiscuity are almost a need in the industry. Or wait was it trigered by that emotional infidelity discussion on TV. Whatever it was...he tells me that small town India, that finds itself in the metro culture, has absolutely no solace to seek but in a relationship. So even if its infidelity, its a need ``without which you'll go mad.''
Makes sense..there's a huge potential for instant gratifation there, but some serious comfort. Maybe not. If at all, it will be a worthier cousin of grass at max. Theres no answers there.
Coz if i have it figured right, human beings define themselves with this loneliness. They are afraid of it but can't imagine an end to it. Coz the solution in most cases is heavily reliant on another agent, a person or a thing. If it can hug back, then all-the-more better, if it sedates the senses...will do.
So as we grow up, we consciously keep seeking love as a cure for loneliness. That just makes it worse and increases the possibility of deluding oneself that infatuation is love. And from then on, the word takes over, with all its interpretations. Thats another step into the loneliness well.
Well heres a half baked analysis to something thats not worth a thought.

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